ASP Spell Check Demos - JavaScript API

The initializeJavaScript function gives us full access to control the spellchecker using javascript using the object.

Source Code
<!--#include virtual="/ASPSpellCheck/"-->
	dim myLink
	set myLink = new AspSpellLink
	response.write myLink.initializeJavaScript()
	set myLink=nothing
	<input name="input1" id="input1" type="text" value="Hello worlb" />
	<span id='message1' style='color:red;display:none'>* 
	<a href="#" onclick="$Spelling.SpellCheckInWindow('input1'); return false;">
	Check Spelling
	<input name="input2" id="input2" type="text" value="Hello world" />
	<span id='message2' style='color:red;display:none'>* 
	<a href="#" onclick="$Spelling.SpellCheckInWindow('input2'); return false;">
	Check Spelling

<script type='text/javascript'>
	$Spelling.LiveFormValidation  ('input1', 'message1'  )
	$Spelling.LiveFormValidation  ('input2', 'message2'  )

This example creates live field validators ... the possibilities are endless using the JavaScript API

<% dim myLink set myLink = new AspSpellLink response.write myLink.initializeJavaScript() set myLink=nothing %>